EEG & Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) Awards

Turan Itil Career Contribution Award Winner: Tianzi JIANG
This is for senior scientists whose work has been influential in the field of Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging and has had high impact on research and clinical applications. This award is considered the highest honor bestowed by the ECNS.
Roy John Award Winner: Sebastian OLBRICH
This award is for a scientist who has produced more than 50 articles that are indexed in the SCI. Any scientist may be nominated by any member of ECNS. The awardee will give the E. Roy John Memorial lecture and will receive $1000.

Young Investigator Awards Winners:
Natalia JAWORSKA and Alfredo SKLAR
The two awardees must be less than 40 years of age, and be the equivalent of Assistant Professor or within 2 years of appointment to Associate Professor. The candidates must have demonstrated significant contributions to translational research in the field of Neuro-Psychiatric Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging. The awards include $500, and waiver of the Annual Congress registration.

Presidential Service Award Winner: Newton AGRAWAL
This award is for outstanding service to ECNS. Any member of ECNS may be nominated by any of its members.