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Author(s) Organization(s) Session
Ikeda, ShunichiroDepartment of Neuropsychiatry, Kansai Medical University;
Division of Systems Neuroscience of Psychopathology, Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern;
Kansai Medical University, Japan;
University Hospital of Psychiatry Bern, Switzerland
Ilmoniemi, RistoAalto University School of Science, Finland;
Aalto University, Finland
Listening to the brain to personalize interventions
Listening to the brain to personalize interventions  Presenter
Ishii, RyouheiDepartment of Psychiatry, Osaka University Graduate School of MedicinePsychiatry
Isotani, ToshiakiKansai Medical University, Japan;
Shikoku University, Japan
Ito, MakotoFaculty of Policy Management, Keio University, 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, 252-0882, JapanUnderstanding and manipulating normal brain functions